
Afternoon time, Winds on it’s full swing
Windows and doors opens and shuts quickly None around, sitting with my own tranquil
Enjoying the emptiness on the road
despondent inside as Corona pandemic is on the verge of rise
Nobody can be sighted in the pavement.

Sudden rang the door bell, throbbed with double speed
Silently the lips murmured prayers “God – Hope all is well”
With slow move got up
Walked up-to door
Found a little girl smiling
and asking for meal……….!!!

With no second thought opened the door
Welcomed her with cheers
Fed her tummy, filled her thirst
She applauded
Left with grin

Though stranger left with an essence
Pandemic time is curse for such strangers
Don’t know what situation else are going through
Never let down anyone for food..
Eat less a day but don’t let hungry crave

——–> My own experience of the situation:- I found the girl decrepit, while leaving I offered her some money but she refused saying – Madam please help many more like me, we are in toughest times. Really don’t know when the situation will come in control. But for now Its our prime duty to help such strangers. They are the one’s who are deprived of basic necessities like food, water and shelter. “BE A ROCK-STAR FOR NEEDY”.


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